Acne Keloidalis Nuchae Treatment in Nairobi Kenya

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At Almasi Skincare we offer services like excellent acne keloidalis nuchae treatment in Nairobi Kenya by using prescription medications, dermatology procedures, skin care products and lifestyle changes.

What is Acne Keloidalis Nuchae?

Acne Keloidalis Nuchae which is also known as folliculitis keloidalis or AKN is a condition which affects the back of the heads and necks of men of African heritage.

Acne Keloidalis Nuchae Causes

Acne keloidalis nuchae is caused by inflammation of the hair follicles which leads to their destruction and scarring hair loss. It begins after close shaving when the curved hairs reenter the skin and trigger inflammation.

Acne Keloidalis Nuchae Symptoms

Symptoms of acne keloidalis nuchae include papules (small swellings) and nodules (large swellings) at the back of the head and neck. 

acne keloidalis nuchae tretment in Nairobi Kenya

Acne Keloidalis Nuchae Diagnosis

The diagnosis of acne keloidalis nuchae is made clinically by the Doctor based on the patient’s history and physical examination.

Acne Keloidalis Nuchae Treatment in Nairobi Kenya

AKN treatment in Nairobi Kenya and the rest of the world includes the use of prescription medications, dermatology procedures, skin care products and lifestyle changes.

Prescription Medications

Prescription medications used for the treatment of this condition include steroid creams which are applied on the affected area. Oral antibiotics are prescribed if there are secondary bacterial infections. Oral retinoids like isotretinoin are also used in some cases.

Dermatology Procedures

Dermatology procedures used for the treatment of this condition include intralesional steroid injections which are injected into the large swellings. Surgery can also be done to remove very large swellings and plaques.

Lifestyle Changes

The most important lifestyle change for AKN treatment is not having short hair cuts. Other lifestyle changes for AKN treatment in Nairobi Kenya include ensuring that clothing items like neck collars and hats do not rub on the skin at the back of the head and neck. After shaving, this area should also be washed with an antimicrobial cleanser to reduce infection and the resultant inflammation. A good example is this Antiseptic Skin Cleanser that contains chlorhexidine.

Contact Almasi Skincare for excellent acne keloidalis nuchae treatment in Nairobi Kenya today.

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