Airbnb Nairobi Kenya Review

This Airbnb Nairobi Kenya review is about an Airbnb I rented for a personal wellness retreat. I strongly recommend taking personal wellness retreats quarterly since it gives you the opportunity to unplug from your daily life and de-stress. Destressing is very important since stress aggravates many conditions like acne, eczema and psoriasis to mention just a few.

Contact us if you would like us to host a Wellness Retreat whose theme is Total Relaxation for you at 0721 963 156 or You can also click on this link to learn about our Wellness Retreats.

Airbnb Nairobi Kenya Review

This Airbnb was located in the Kilimani area of Nairobi Kenya.

The living room area had a decent sized TV which I did not watch since I recommend having a digital detox and news fast when having a wellness retreat. I also recommend burning aromatherapy candles as I did.

Airbnb in Nairobi Kenya

The bedroom area was cozy and the white bedsheets were clean. I did a lot of journaling in bed and obtained clarity over many issues.

If you are having a personal wellness retreat I recommend placing a cotton ball with a few drops of lavender essential oil in the pillow case to soothe your mind as you fall asleep.

Airbnb in Nairobi Kenya

The kitchen area was decently kitted with pots, pans and plates.

If you are having personal wellness retreat I recommend consuming healthy foods only. Avoid processed foods as much as possible to give your body a break from processing all the unnatural additives in processed foods.

Airbnb in Nairobi Kenya

I appreciated the mini-fridge which was perfect for storing my fresh fruits.

If you are having a personal retreat I recommend consuming a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables.

Airbnb in Nairobi Kenya

I was disappointed that this Airbnb did not have a bath tub but I appreciated the hot showers.

If you are having a personal retreat, I recommend adding essential oils to your body wash so that you can have an aromatherapy shower if you are not able to have an aromatherapy bath.

Airbnb in Nairobi Kenya

In conclusion, I enjoyed my stay in this Airbnb in Nairobi Kenya as I was able to de-stress and recharge. Contact us to host you in one of our Wellness Retreats.


Is It Good To Retreat?

Yes, it is good to retreat especially if you are in a professionally hosted retreat like ours since you will improve your physical, mental and emotional wellbeing by taking part in the planned activities.

What Are The Benefits Of Going On A Retreat?

The physical benefits of going on a retreat include improved sleep, increased energy levels and boosted immunity as stress levels go down. One is also able to learn new things that improve their wellbeing.

The mental benefits of going on a retreat include improved mental clarity and reduced stress levels. Some activities also boost creativity.

The emotional benefits of going on a retreat include emotional healing, reduced chances of becoming depressed and increased happiness.

What Do Retreats Do?

Retreats give a person the knowledge and opportunity to improve their physical, mental and emotional wellbeing.

How Do I Start A Retreat Program?

To start a personal retreat program do the following:

*Define your retreat goals. What do you want to do? Destress? Detox? Pray?

*Identify your ideal location. Where do you want it? In a town? Beach? Mountain?

*Decide on your activities. What will you do?