PRP in Nairobi Kenya

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PRP in Nairobi Kenya is offered at our Almasi Skincare clinic to improve the appearance of your skin and stimulate the growth of your hair.

The best PRP in Nairobi Kenya

What is PRP?

PRP stands for Platelet Rich Plasma which is a natural therapy that utilizes substances from your own blood to treat various skin and hair conditions. This makes it a safe procedure since it markedly reduces the risk of an allergic reaction.

During a PRP procedure, a small amount of blood is obtained from the patient and spun in a centrifuge at a high speed for around 15 minutes to separate the various components of the blood. Plasma is one of the components obtained and it has a high concentration of blood cells known as platelets which contain growth factors. These growth factors stimulate the growth of new cells and accelerate the healings of tissues and their regeneration.

The plasma which is rich in platelets (PRP) is then applied to the skin together with microneedling to enable it penetrate efficiently. The platelets break down and release the growth factors which stimulate tissue repair and treat conditions like acne. Since PRP also stimulates the production of collagen, it is used to treat fine lines, wrinkles and reduce the loss of volume in the face which results in smoother, younger looking skin.

PRP can also be injected into bald areas of the scalp to stimulate hair growth since a study found that it was a cost effective treatment option for patients with androgenic alopecia (male pattern baldness). In this study men who had not responded to medications like minoxidil and finasteride received 4 injections of 2-3ml of PRP in their scalps which were spaced out by two weeks. The result was that their hair count increased and their hair loss reduced. A dermaroller can also be used to create microscopic channels in the scalp that allow the PRP to penetrate the skin and stimulate the hair follicles and improve hair density.

This entire PRP procedure takes around 1 hour. Most people can return to their normal daily activities immediately after but some may require some downtime especially if their skin is quite red as this can restrict their socialization.

book your appointment for PRP in Nairobi Kenya

After PRP patients should not wash their skin or hair for 48 hours. They can resume the recommended products after this duration.

The effects of PRP therapy vary depending on the patient. Usually 3 to 6 treatments are required for optimum results. A review after 6 to 12 months is also done to assess efficacy and if maintenance treatments are required. Almasi Skincare recommends 3 treatments with 1 month between each session and maintenance treatments after 4 to 6 months.  

Before PRP therapy patients should avoid using medications that can prolong bleeding like aspirin, ibuprofen and other NSAIDS as well as blood thinners like warfarin.

In addition, patients receiving PRP for hair loss should come to clinic after having washed their hair and not applied any products on the hair or scalp. They should also carry a clean hat to wear after the procedure.

PRP Therapy Benefits

Benefits of PRP in Nairobi Kenya

The benefits of having PRP in Nairobi Kenya include:

* Minimizes acne scars

* Lightens acne marks from post inflammatory hyperpigmentation

* Lightens melasma

* Lightens dark spots from other conditions

* Reduces fine lines and wrinkles

* Reduces age spots

* Reduces stretch marks

* Reduces sun damage

* Increases hair growth when used on the scalp

PRP in Nairobi Kenya

What Does PRP In Nairobi Kenya Treat?

PRP is safe for all skin types and suitable for both men and women. PRP can be used on the face and scalp to treat the following conditions:

* Acne

* Acne marks or post acne hyperpigmentation

* Acne scars

* Age spots or sun spots

* Androgenic alopecia (male pattern baldness)

* Dark spots or uneven pigmentation or post inflammatory hyperpigmentation

* Fine lines especially under the eyes and around the mouth

* Hair loss or alopecia since it reverses the process of miniaturization of hair follicles seen in male and female pattern hair loss.

* Melasma

* Osteoarthritis

* Scars

* Sports injuries like knee sprains, pulled hamstring muscles, torn rotator cuff tendons, torn anterior cruciate ligaments

* Sun damage

* Wrinkles


How Much Does PRP Treatment Cost In Kenya?

The price of PRP Treatment in Kenya depends on why the PRP is being done (e.g. for hair loss or for wrinkles) and where it is being done.

At Almasi Skincare we charge Ksh 10,000 for each session of PRP.

Is PRP Worth The Money?

PRP is definitely worth the money spent to get it done because of its numerous benefits. For starters getting PRP for hair loss is cheaper than getting a hair transplant. PRP is also a great option for treating fines lines, wrinkles and hyperpigmentation.

Does PRP Work Permanently On The Skin?

No, PRP does not work permanently. According to the AAD, its effects can last for upto 18 months. PRP treatment therefore needs to be repeated to maintain its effects. However, even though it is not a permanent solution for hair loss, it is a long-term one since its effects can be maintained by having sessions every 6 months.

Is PRP Hair Treatment Effective?

PRP hair treatment is effective for treating male pattern hair loss (androgenetic alopecia). A study found that injecting PRP into the scalp was more effective than applying minoxidil to the scalp when treating androgenetic alopecia.

PRP hair treatment stimulates new hair growth and prevents hair loss when it is injected into the scalp. It results in hair that is thicker, stronger and denser as the growth factors in the PRP stimulate the hair follicle cells. This procedure has no downtime and it results in hair growing in its natural pattern. It is usually done once a month for 3 months and maintenance therapy is done once every 4-6 months.

PRP hair treatment is also used after hair transplant to boost hair growth.

PRP Risks And Side Effects

Because PRP is made from your own blood, the risk of allergic reactions is almost none existent. Side effects of this treatment are rare and include pain, infection at the injection site and bleeding especially if the person is taking blood thinners.

To book your PRP in Nairobi Kenya session, please call 0721 963 156

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  1. What is the cost of PRP for receding hair

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