Steroid Injections For Acne Treatment

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Contact us about steroid injections for acne treatment in Nairobi Kenya

At Almasi Skincare we offer steroid injections for acne treatment in Nairobi Kenya.

Steroid injections for acne treatment, which are also known as cortisone shots for acne, are medications that are given right into the acne cysts or nodules. This is a very effective form of treatment since it bypasses the barrier formed by the different layers of the skin and delivers a high concentration of the medication right into the acne lesion.

Steroid Injections for Acne Benefits

Benefits include rapid resolution of the acne lesion as well as reduction of pain, redness and inflammation. These steroid shots help acne because they make the lesions go away within 24 to 48 hours. Another benefit is that they reduce the risk of developing acne scars. These injections are also used to reduce the size of keloids and hypertrophic scars that have developed as a result of acne.

Steroids that are used in this form of treatment include triamcinolone acetonide.

During the procedure, the skin is cleaned with an alcohol wipe or antiseptic solution. The medication is then drawn into a fine needle. It can be diluted with a local anesthetic like 1% or 2% lignocaine without adrenaline or with sterile normal saline or sterile water for injection to achieve the right concentration. The medication is then injected into the acne lesion. These injections are repeated every 4 weeks.

Side effects of cortisone injections include pain, skin atrophy, hypopigmentation, bleeding, infection, allergic dermatitis and sterile abscess. Other side effects include systemic absorption of the steroids with adrenal suppression.

Intralesional steroid injections used to treat acne are diluted as follows:

Acne cysts on face 1-2 mg/ml

Acne cysts on trunk 2.5 mg/ml with 0.1 ml for each cyst.

The total dose should not exceed 1 ml.

Steroid injections for acne treatment in Nairobi Kenya

Cortisone Injections Safety

Steroid injections for acne treatment should not be given to persons allergic to triamcinolone acetonide, personal with local active viral infections (e.g. herpes) or bacterial infections (e.g. impetigo, tuberculosis), fungal infections, extensive psoriasis, active peptic ulcer disease, uncontrolled hypertension, uncontrolled diabetes, uncontrolled heart failure, severe depression, psychosis.


How Much Does A Steroid Injection For Acne Cost?

A steroid injection or cortisone shot for acne costs Ksh 6,000.

To book your steroid injections for acne treatment in Nairobi Kenya please email or call 0721 963 156.

Nairobi skin clinic
online skin clinic doctor
Contact us about steroid injections for acne treatment in Nairobi Kenya