Stress Acne

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Stress Acne Characteristics

Stress acne is characterized by

* Getting acne white heads, black heads, pimples and nodules mainly around the forehead and nose (T Zone).

* Getting acne when you are stressed.

* Eating comfort food like chocolates and cakes when you are stressed.

* Picking at your acne when you are stressed.

* Getting acne after a stressful event.

Stress Acne Treatment

Stress Acne Treatment

To treat acne caused by stress do the following:

* Manage stress by learning effective stress management techniques like meditation. To meditate, simply focus your mind on a phrase or Scripture. For example if you are stressed because of acne you can meditate on, “I will restore health to you and heal you of your wounds.” (Jeremiah 30:17)

* Avoid eating sweet comfort foods like chocolates when you are stressed because they can also trigger acne. Instead, eat healthy comfort food like boiled sweet potatoes.

* Do not pick at your acne when you are stressed since it results in deeper lesions and bigger scars. Instead, engage in aerobic exercises like jogging or playing games like basketball since they are very effective relaxation techniques.

* Drink green tea every day since studies have shown that it contains compounds that reduce the body’s responses to stress.

* Sleep for at least 7 hours each night to avoid sleep deprivation which aggravates stress and results in an increase in the stress hormones which increase oil production in the skin and lead to breakouts.

To learn more Consult our Doctor or read Natural Adult Acne Treatment for Stress Acne

Adult Stress Acne Treatment Ebook
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