Adult Acne Tips 18

acne quiz

Adult acne tips part 18 contains Kenyan diet tips, skincare tips, hair care tips and stress management tips to help your treat acne and prevent breakouts.

Adult Acne Diet Tips

Eat Vitamin A rich foods every day like red bell peppers, mangoes, carrots and sweet potatoes.

If you are not able to do so, consider taking a supplement with 10,000 IU of Vitamin A each day (after consulting your doctor) since a study published in Lipids in Health and Disease found that taking an omega 3 and antioxidant supplement each day reduced acne and improved mental health.

To learn more adult acne tips read Natural Adult Acne Treatment for Dietary Acne.

Adult Acne Skincare Tips

Do not apply products which can irritate the skin like toothpaste and alcohol to acne breakouts.

To learn more adult acne tips read Natural Adult Acne Treatment for Skincare Acne.

Adult Acne Tips 18

Adult Acne Hair Care Tips

Do not use hair masks with comedogenic ingredients like coconut oil.

To learn more adult acne tips read Natural Adult Acne Treatment for Hair Care Acne.

Adult Acne Stress Management Tips

Visualization is a very important technique for stress management since it allows you to mentally leave your stressful situation.

Therefore, whenever you are stressed, always ask yourself, “How do I want this stressful situation to resolve?” Then, use your imagination and visualize your situation resolving just as you want it to. For the best results, use all your senses as you visualize.

Get into a habit of visualizing your best case scenario whenever thoughts of your stressful situation cross your mind instead of picturing your worst case scenarios.

For example, if you are stressed because you are unemployed, see yourself with your mind’s eye doing your dream job. Combine this will hearing the sounds, smelling the aromas and even tasting the snacks at your dream workplace.

To learn more adult acne tips read Natural Adult Acne Treatment for Stress Acne.