Skincare Products for Acne Scar Treatment

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Skincare products for acne scar treatment in Nairobi Kenya include serums, creams and gels. It is important to note that the best scar removal creams in Kenya contain ingredients like retinol and vitamin C.

The best skin care porducts fo acne scar trreatment

Skincare products for acne scar treatment: Retinols

Retinol is a vitamin A derivative which is clinically proven to reduce hyperpigmentation, fine lines and wrinkles. It also unclogs pores to clear up acne. Retinol increases the turnover of skin cells which results in ssmoothening of the skin’s texture and evening of the skin’s tone. Over-the-counter retinols have low concentrations of 0.5% -2.5 when compared to prescription retinoids and this makes them less likely to cause adverse effects of redness, peeling and irritation. Acne scar removal products with retinols include:

Cerave Resurfacing Retinol Serum  

Cerave Resurfacing Retinol Serum is one of the best scar removal cream in Kenya because it contains retinol to stimulate collagen production and smoothen out the skin texture. It also contains niacinamide and licorice root to reduce hyperpigmentation. It is fragrance free making it suitable for sensitive skin. It is also non-greasy gel and non-comedogenic making it a good choice for acne-prone skin. It also contains essential ceramides to repair the protective skin barrier.

Cerave Resurfacing Retinol Serum can be purchased from the Nairobi Almasi Skincare Shop. You can also buy it from Amazon.

Buy Cerave resurfacing retinol serum i Kenya
buy Cerave resufacing retinol serum in Nairobi Kenya

Neutrogena Dark Spot Corrector 

Neutrogena Dark Spot Corrector is one of the best scar removal creams in Kenya. This is because it contains retinol which boosts collagen production and reduces skin discolorations. It also contains vitamin C to amplify collagen production and brighten the skin while hyaluronic acid hydrates it.

Neutrogena Dark Spot Corretor can be purchased from our Nairobi Almasi Skincare Shop.

neutrogena retinol vitamin c dark spot corrector
buy Neutrogena dark spot corrector in Nairobi Kenya

Amara Organics Retinol 2.5% Serum

Amara Organics Retinol Serum contains 2.5% retinol to reduce skin discolorations and vitamin E to protect the skin cells from free radical damage since it is a potent antioxidant. It also contains hyaluronic acid to hydrate the skin. It is fragrance free and can be used by all skin types including sensitive skin. It is also paraben free and cruelty free.

The best acne scar treatment products

Skincare products for acne scar treatment: Vitamin C

Vitamin C or ascorbic acid boosts collagen production which minimizes acne scars, It also inhibits an enzyme known as tyrosinase which makes melanin and this helps reduce hyperpigmentation on the skin. It is also a powerful antioxidant which protects the skin cells from free radical damage. Acne scar removal products that contain vitamin C include:

The Ordinary Ascorbic Acid + Alpha Arbutin

The Ordinary Ascorbic Acid + Alpha Arbutin is one of the best scar removal cream in Kenya because it contains vitamin C. It also contains arbutin which treats hyperpigmentation.

The Ordinary Ascorbic Acid + Alpha Arbutin can be purchased from our Nairobi Almasi Skincare Shop.

Buy The Ordinary Ascorbic Acid + Alpha Arbutin in Nairobi Kenya

Inkey List Tranexamic Acid Serum

The Inkey List Tranexamic Acid Serum contains 2% tranexamic acid to reduce hyperpigmentation, 2% vitamin C derivative to boost collagen production and brighten the skin and 2% acai berry to even the skin tone. This lightweight gel can be used by persons with oily, dry, combination and normal skin. This hyperpigmentation serum is vegan and cruelty free.

Mario Badescu Vitamin C Serum 

This vitamin C skincare product contains 7.5% ascorbic acid to lighten dark spots and brighten the skin. It also contains hyaluronic acid to keep the skin hydrated. It should be applied on alternate nights after cleansing the skin and before applying a moisturizer.

TruSkin Natural Vitamin C serum 

This vitamin C skincare product contains 20% ascorbic acid and it can therefore be used to reduce fine lines and wrinkles in addition to lightening dark spots and brightening the skin. This formulation also contains hyaluronic acid to keep the skin hydrated as well as vitamin E which is a potent antioxidant that protects the skin from free radical damage. TruSkin Vitamin C serum also contains aloe vera, jojoba and witch hazel. It can be used during the day and night before the moisturizing.

Skincare products for acne scar treatment: Silicone

Silicone acts like an adhesive and attracts fibroblasts to the skin so that they can produce new collagne to help ther scar heal. Acne scar creams that contain silicone include:


Kelo-Cote Advanced Formula Scar Gel is one of the best scar removal creams in Kenya. This is because it contains silicone which is the number 1 ingredient that is recommended by plastic surgeons for scar reduction treatment. This 100% medical grade silicone gel can be used on both old and new scars on any part of the body. It can be used on hypertrophic scar and other scars from surgery, cosmetic procedures, cesarean sections, injury, burns, acne, insect bites, cuts and scrapes. It softens and flattens raised scars and reduces redness which makes them less noticeable. In addition it is water resistant, non-greasy, colorless and odorless or fragrance free. It can be used by persons with all skin types including sensitive skin and even by children. Application of Kelo-Cote should start as soon as the wound is closed or the sutures are removed. The area should be clean and dry. It should be applied twice a day. The treatment duration ranges from 2-3 months thought it depends on the scar. Once it dries, sunscreen and makeup can be applied on top. However it should not be used on open wounds, third degree burns.

Kelo-Cote can be purchased from the Nairobi Almasi Skincare Shop.

Buy Kelo-Cote Advanced Formula Scar Gel in Nairob Kenya

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