The Best PRP Facial in Nairobi Kenya

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At Almasi Skincare we offer the best PRP facial in Nairobi Kenya.

The best PRP Facial in Nairobi Kenya

What Is A PRP Facial?

PRP stands for Platelet Rich Plasma.

A PRP Facial is a procedure in which a small amount of blood is obtained from your hand and spun in a centrifuge to separate the different components of blood. Plasma is one of the components obtained and it has a high concentration of platelets. It is therefore known as platelet rich plasma or PRP.

The platelets in the PRP contain growth factors which stimulate the growth of new cells and accelerate the production of collagen.

During a PRP Facial, the PRP is applied to the skin together with microneedling to enable it penetrate efficiently. The platelets then release growth factors which stimulate collagen production. PRP Facials are therefore used to treat fine lines, wrinkles and reduce the loss of volume in the face. The result is firmer, smoother, younger looking skin.

book your appointment for PRP Facial in Nairobi Kenya

A PRP Facial is a natural therapy since it utilizes substances from your own blood to treat fine lines and wrinkles. This makes it a safe procedure since it markedly reduces the risk of an allergic reaction. PRP Facial procedures are therefore done on women and men of all skin types.

The entire PRP Facial procedure takes around 1 hour. Most people can return to their normal daily activities immediately after but some may require some downtime especially if their skin is quite red. However, after PRP patients should not wash their skin for 48 hours. They can resume the recommended skincare products after this duration.

Before PRP therapy patients should avoid using medications that can prolong bleeding like aspirin, ibuprofen and other NSAIDS as well as blood thinners like warfarin.

PRP Facial Effects

The effects of a PRP Facial vary depending on the patient. Usually 3 to 6 treatments are required for optimum results. A review after 6 to 12 months is also done to assess efficacy and if maintenance treatments are required.

At Almasi Skincare we recommend 3 treatments with 1 month between each session and maintenance treatments after 4 to 6 months.  

PRP Facial benefits

Benefits Of PRP Facial In Nairobi Kenya

The benefits of having a PRP Facial in Nairobi Kenya at Almasi Skincare include:

* Reduced fine lines and wrinkles

*Restored lost volume and fullness in sunken areas of face

* Increased collagen production

* Improved skin’s texture with acne scar minimization

* Improved skin’s tone with lightened dark spots or post inflammatory hyperpigmentation

* Reduced age spots


How Much Does A PRP Facial Treatment Cost In Kenya?

The price of a PRP Facial Treatment in Kenya varies a lot and ranges from Ksh 5,000 to Ksh 50,000.

At Almasi Skincare we charge Ksh 10,000 for each session of PRP.

How Long Do PRP Facial Results Last?

PRP Facial results last for 1 to 2 years however this length of time depends on a person’s age, hormones and their natural rate of regeneration.

Is A PRP Facial Worth It?

A PRP Facial is worth the money spent to get it done because it naturally boosts collagen production and results in firmer, younger looking skin. It also improves the skin’s texture and results in smoother skin.

Share with us in the comments section your experience with a PRP facial in Nairobi Kenya.

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